Amazing Science Discovery


Make science Amazing for your grade-schooler.  Science is such an important subject to learn.  It helps make sense out of everyday lives.  When children are young, they are curious about lots of things and science explains it.  The concepts are easy for your to understand and explain to your child.

But as they grow, science becomes more difficult to learn and difficult to teach.  The concepts grow more confusing.  You might feel like you need to go out and buy expensive equipment if you are going to do any experiments.

It doesn’t need to be difficult.  With Amazing Science Discovery, you will learn right along with your child.  You get five ebooks covering grades one to five.  Each book explains in plain English specific topics and includes easy experiments to help reinforce the topic.  The lessons are planned in a sequential manner so that your will both be learning what you need to know for the next lesson.  You will even learn how to throw a science party!

It’s never too late to develop a love for science in your child.  Act now!

Recharge Your Batteries With a Good Lunch


Ever what happens to the food you eat after you eat lunch?  Why do you feel better and have more energy?  You could explain the digestive system to your 4th grader, but think how cool it would be to offer an interactive demonstration.  At Biology in Motion, you get this demonstration as well as others like how the cardiovascular system works, cell division or how the thyroid works.




2834 Beetles

Do you have a 4th grader who is fascinated with bugs?  At What’s That Bug, you will find 2,834 species of beetles plus hundreds of posts about bugs of all kinds.  What makes this blog different is that people send in pictures of bugs and ask the “bugman” about the bug.  The Bugman then answers the questions with lots of information.  Get your ‘Bug On’!

Will My Skin Wear Out?



All that constant rubbing and washing; will your skin ever wear out?  If you’re teaching life science, your 4th grader might come up with this question.  Discover the answer to this question plus a lot more about your skin in the article: Will My Skin Wear Out?  Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body?

Is It Physics or is it an Optical Illusion?

Add a little fun to your 4th Grade Physical Science Curriculum with optical illusions.  Check out the video here.  Then discuss optical illusions and have your kids come up with their own.  Optical illusions seem like fun entertainment, but in reality it can increase focus.

A fun post on SloDive.  or on Blogspot.